We've Got Your Sock Blog
The store has held benefits featuring a live rock band, bluegrass band, and an a capella singing group to aid our country’s disabled veterans and support the music therapy program at the Hudson Valley Hospice. In addition, clothing and food drives have helped our veterans who are clients of Castle Point.
The Poughkeepsie Journal’s business section featured an article titled “Laundromat Makes Regulars Feel at Home” within the first year of the store’s inception.

We've Got Your Sock News
July 11, 2020
Amazing Interview Featuring Suzy Kee of We've Got Your Sock
Suzy Kee of We've got your Sock is interviewed by Robert Mondellow Jr. We've Got Your Sock is more than just a laundromat. It is a community gathering place.

We've Got Your Sock News
January 16, 2018
Suzy Kee of We've Got Your Sock.
Robert Mondello interviews Suzy Kee in regard to her laundromat. Take a listen!

We've Got Your Sock News
March 14, 2017
Garment history helps weave fabric of rural New York community
If you thought the owner of a local coin-op named We’ve Got Your Sock Laundromat would just tack up an assortment of mismatched knits and call it a day, then you’ve never met Poughkeepsie’s own Suzy Kee.